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The movement is called Be There and Be Square.
Be There= Make yourself available to everyone through simple gestures.  Be Square= Draw a square on your hand to remind you what you're in it for. Outside of the square is those who have passed, inside is everyone else. The goal is to not let anyone else outside of the square.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy, save teens.

Be There and Be Square

Peace Corps

A Branch of the Peace Corps Volunteers travel and strengthen communities' understanding of environmental issues, providing people with the knowledge to develop their own programs and make their own choices about how best to protect and conserve the local environment and adapt to climate change.

We are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.

Planned Parenthood

Save Your World


Christian volunteers have long worked to improve the life of those less fortunate around the world. Volunteering abroad as a Christian is a great way to serve the Lord while doing good work overseas.



If you don't have money, but you have some free time, there are literally thousands of shelters and rescue organizations across the world that would love for you to volunteer some time with them. Many of these organizations are government or donation funded, which means their resources are exceptionally low. Any time you can give them will make a difference.

American Red Cross


If you like to help people you have come to the right place. Your local Red Cross unit could have just the opportunity — from training to be ready to respond to disasters to volunteering at a blood drive — from supporting our US military to connecting families displaced by disasters or conflict.

Unawareness of Teen Obesity


Don't Let Divorce Take Its Course

Obesity in teens is the cause’s buildup of fat molecules and cholesterol in the veins of the body and heart. As we grow older, the buildup will reach a blockage causing a heart attack. Obesity from childhood and Teens is much more serious than adult obesity.

Hands Up & Stand Up

We Have to Be Together to Work Together

Lids For Ladies



Lids for Ladies is campaign designed to help with breast cancer research funding.

Sleeping to Succeed



Teens do not get enough sleep.  Most teenagers only get an average of 6 or 7 hours of sleep per night, while the healthy dose is at least 9.

Rescue Me



Being the most intelligent and powerful species, humans automatically take on the duty to care of all the other creatures here on Earth.   Fulfill that role and do the real rescuing, help give them a place to rehabilitate from the cruelty of people.

Be a Buddy



It doesn't matter your age, everybody has gone through a time when they felt like they didn't fit in. These people aren't always feeling like this because they are being bullied or left out. Anything can cause this, especially stress! If you ever feel like this, let somebody know. If you think that one of your friends may feel like this, reassure them that they have no reason to. This is a real problem and I hope that everyone can recognize this fact.

My organization is aimed at both raising awareness, and helping children and teenagers, who were affected by divorce.  If you feel as though a divorce has impacted you, or someone you love, YOU CAN HELP.




Do you value your religion, your church, your faith? Wouldn't it be disheartening to see all of that go under? Well that's exactly what's happening in churches whose members are elderly- the population is decreasing. We can't let this slip by us. Join the Widespread Movement, and save the church.

Bumping Bellies 



To be pregnant as a teenager is one of the hardest things to overcome and live with. Girls who have and raise a kid when they themselves are still kids are a lot of the time lacking support, friendship, and assistance, which are three of the most vital things they need. Help provide them with these things by getting involved with Bumping Bellies.

Drinking and Driving



\There are too many people driving drunk. When you are under the influence of alcohol your reaction time is affected. This means you basically do not know what you are doing.

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