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Teen Obesity Awariness

Causes of Obesity…
-       Genes- may control appetite, responsive to the taste, smell or sight of food, they affect our sense of taste, and they make us less likely to engage in physical activity.
-       Close relatives of an obese person are suffering from chronic health problems like heart disease or asthma, then it most likely meant that the obese person might also suffer from the same health concerns in the future. People do not fully understand the consequences of obesity until they reach the age of 40 or 50, where they might suddenly get a heart attack, stroke, or a serious illness.
-       Regular physical activity – Today we have many machines to do our work for us and many electronic devises that rob us the time that we should have to go out walking or biking. We have no   time to do exercise which helps us reduce the risk for many diseases, helps control weight, and strengthens muscles, bones, and joints.
-       Family- might not be well educated on the risks of eating bad food, leading them to obliviousness in the risk factors that obesity causes.

Risk Factors Obesity brings…
-       Type 2 Diabetes- . Has no symptoms, it is usually diagnosed by tests that indicate glucose intolerance, and is treated with changes in diet and an exercise regimen
-       Cancer- colon cancer, is cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. It is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of death among cancers in the Western world.             
-       Heart Disease- which the heart can’t pump enough blood to the body’s other organs.
-       Immobility- is the disease that requires complete bed rest or extremely limits your activity.
-       Sleep Apnea and respiratory problems- you stop breathing during sleep because soft tissue in the back of your throat collapses and closes your airway.






































What Can We Do To Fight Obesity?

Obesity needs to end, and there are a number of things we can do to put a stop to it. As an individual:

-       Eat Healthier: Start eating healthier and avoiding fatty and high calorie foods such as products.
-       Get More Exercise: Start walking, 1/2 hour walk as soon as you wake up and before eating anything is extremely effective for burning fat. Fat burns most effectively in the morning because you have not eaten anything since you slept.
-       Set an Example: When people see you losing fat and gaining muscle, you will encourage them to do the same, and you will be setting a positive example
-       Make Others Aware:  Show your friends, family, neighbors how to lead a healthier lifestyle by making a campaign at school.


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